What To Know Before You Take Your First Step
You should probably go to the baby who is desperate to take his first foot on the ground so that he will get that singing toy in your hand and learn what it takes to take a first step in life or probably go to the man who Dr Smart told to make his first move after recovering from a seven years paralysis. If you can't do any of these to learn how to take your first step in life then just give up and quit.
Hey, I said quit, squeeze the towel and throw it in.
But you could do one more thing which is read my post to the end.
We all know what it takes for babies to get their first step to take a walk, the whole minutes-struggle and hard breathing coupled with the frustration on their faces before they finally achieve it. The question is "what do they have in their minds at the latest moment?"
We probably never thought of that, just something normal I suppose.
Well, what comes to your mind when you want to take that first step in that decision that makes you quit hundreds of times...
Fear of losing!!!
I have had lots of experiences and situations which put me at the gate of quitting so this my few steps scaled me through. I believe this is what goes through the midst of babies too.
This is the most powerful tool I have used in scaling through challenges. I engaged in network marketing last year and for the first few months I had nothing to show for it.
Had myself call up several people, engaged lots of folks in discussions about my business but no one seemed interested.
Now that's a give up note right? The only thing I did at such moment was get myself acquainted with folks who had gone through network marketing and check up their success story.
The fact that they succeeded was what kept me going. I didn't care if I was taking a wrong step, I knew I would get to correct that with time.
All I just needed to know was that somebody had succeeded in networking before so I stayed.
Are you kidding me? Why should I get ready to fall when I want to take my first step?.
It's simple, on earth nothing goes as expected. I never agreed to this fact before but from personal experience, it is true.
The more you are in consciousness of the fact that you are human and can always fall, you will be careful enough to stand on your feet.
This does not mean entertain fear, I have been in many more situations where I knew I may fall. It wasn't fear, it was just an agreement to reality and really I did fall in some and others I stood.
Look at the just recovered paralytic man whom Dr Smart told to take his first step. He said "I already made up my mind that whatever the case may be, I will still take this step even if I fall", so he did take his first step. Alas, he didn't!!.
3. GIVE UP YOUR DOUBTS: If you really want to take the first step in that decision, give up your doubts. Everything I'm saying is practical to myself.
I decided to take writing as a profession few months ago and to be candid, I had so much doubts in myself. There are millions of better writers out there who had taken years of courses in writing.
Each day I took up my pen to write an article, I quit before I wrote fifty words. That was how bad I doubted myself. The topics were cool, the whole thought process was cool but who would read my unprofessional article.
Ask any baby next time what he did before he stood on that small feet, he would simply tell you that "I stopped doubting myself". Like I said earlier, humans like you have also been through this and they succeeded.
This is as important as knowing that you need a rope and a boot to climb Mt Everest. If you don't have the results in view you'd be tempted to quit. You would ask yourself, "what am I fighting for", "why am I taking this step?".
You want to take a step in something and you don't know what you wish to achieve in it. You probably should still go around crawling.
No offense, but that's the Holy truth. Why do I want to be a painter if everywhere is just a desert of water. What do I want to achieve as a painter in this ocean. Of course there could be stuff to do but you have to know that before making up your mind.
5. TAKE THE STEP : These four steps are good enough but not good enough without the last step. How do you know how to swim? Jump into the pool.
Learn everything you need to know about swimming and jump into the pool.
I've always thought swimming was a bread-to-mouth activity from the way the swimmers gracefully glide and I watched every video and read every article necessary to know how to swim.
For two months, I boasted I was a good swimmer without even knowing what the weight of water looked like. This is a very deadly insinuation.
If you get your mind prepared for a business and you master the first four steps without taking the giant step, yet go about boasting that you are a pro at it. You could end up destroying a whole country with this mentality.
I started my first training from the pool with a friend and God know best, I could have drowned with all my knowledge if I didn't go with a friend. In taking my first bold step, I learnt.
That's simple enough, with all these, you are ready for that business idea.
You can help me clap 10, 20, 30 or 50 if you want other to know this too.