What I don’t do for a living is what makes me successful
What do you for a living?
Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook.
Jeff Bezoz is the CEO of Amazon.
Bill Gates is the CEO of Microsoft.
My dad is the founder and proprietor of a school.
I am a university student.
The list could go on and on if you ask me what the big guys up there do for a living and I'll give full details of what they do for their companies.
Everyone wants to be like these big guys up there and do what they do for a living.
You sit in a coffee shop to have coffee one early morning and someone walks up to you to ask what you do for a living. Of course that's the first question everyone asks either to show that one profession is better than the other or that one person is more successful than the other. I discovered that everyone defines success by what people do for a living.
I define success by what you don't do for a living
Success is not defined by what you do for a living, but by what you don’t do for a living.
You may not be the CEO of Facebook yet be as productive as he is if you don't do these things for a living.
You may not be as intelligent as Jeff Bezoz but you can be as productive as he is if you don't do do these things for a living.
If babysitting is what you do for a living, it’s time you quit that profession.
Have you ever babysitted before? it's the worst busy activity you can ever imagine. You are busy doing nothing but staring at a baby playing with a box of chocolates and some candies.
Few people I have met for the past few months have totally embraced this idle act in the name of waiting till they get an eureka for a big business like Mark.
While babysitting, the clock ticks from 8 am. to 5pm. Babysitting is not a bad job, it's just used to describe the state of some folks. You are idle because you babysit yourself every day. You cannot succeed if this is what you do for a living.
There are several days I wake up without any feeling to write. Who's gonna read my blog post today I ask myself. I just started writing and I have few followers but I don't add another profession of babysitting myself all day just because I feel I am still long miles from succeeding.
This is one of the reasons most people don't succeed.
2. Don't live your life on procrastination :
Well it's all easier said than done I know.
I'll get these articles completed before 6am. Oops it's 9am, I'll get it done by 10am.
Damn, it's 3pm already, I can still achieve something before 6pm.
What the hell, it's 8pm, I'm having a writers block, I need to wait for some days before I'm over it. Things have been pretty bad for some couple of days. This is the excuse we all give ourselves for procrastinating.
It's a very good excuse, alright.
It is very easy to convince myself that I have writers block. What profit would you make from this job? You sure think if Bill Gates had procrastinated his plans of executing Microsoft, he would be where he is today? Of course not. You could have a task scheduler where you define all your activities for the day and follow it strictly to execution.
3: Don't be a day dreamer :
it’s good to have dreams but greatly bad to daydream.
This is what lots of people still do for a living. I was once a day dreamer. I had new business ideas in my mind everyday, planned them all out in mind and execute them in mind then get to pick up another new business idea the next day.
I did these for some years and was really wealthy in my mind yet had no money to pay for Internet access.
Hey, wake up!! If you want to be successful, you have to quit daydreaming and get down to action.
You have to know what you aren’t doing for a living. So far, I have not given any profession for you to engage in because you can become very successful in whatever business you engage in if you quit all these as what you do for a living.
4. Quit giving excuses : if your business runs on excuses, if your company runs on excuses then it is very close to a huge fall. Have you got a startup and instead of taking 12 steps you take one then give many excuses for not being able to take the others. Then you see not to have begun your success journey.
I take full responsibility for whatever I go into either risky or not so i have no room to give excuses because I have trained my mind to accept responsibility for my actions.
No one is going to milk the goddamn cow for you. If you want it then go and have. If you want success then you have to stop doing these things for a living.
Jeff Bezoz being a CEO isn't what made him a billionaire, his productivity was what determined his success.
Some people have many jobs as their profession, part of which I have listed. It’s high time you stopped doing this for a living and be productive.
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