I am not a sadist. I am glad that students get to graduate every year from the University after the long years spent on campus.
Matter of fact, it is an exciting event worth celebrating. Having the first graduate in a family is an awesome news. Having your last kid graduate as well is a pride to parents.
However, I feel we all seem to neglect some clear facts and the pool of problem ahead of us. To be honest, it's likely we are all in it and it is ruining us.
I just have some questions to ask and some things to analyze and I want you all to sit with me on this so we can ponder together.
Parents, please gather around and let us discuss how we can fix this unemployment issue ravaging our youths. Or are you all comfortable with the fact that Olu and Ade would spend 3 years at home seeking for jobs.
Putting you through the stress of calling your friends and colleagues to seek for jobs for them. I'd their certificate not enough for them to get jobs without your assistance and lobbying.
Shouldn't we take a pause and ask all our graduates what they have learned over the course of their study. These questions would help;
Did you love the course you learnt?
Based on what you learnt, are you prepared for the world of work?
Would you love to further your course of study in that same path?
The response you would get would be alarming!!
I bet you, we would have about 80% claiming they would never come back to that course, telling you it was hell. We would also have over 70% tell you they are not prepared for the world of work based on what they learnt.
Now that's a big problem. It is a big problem because you, our parents invested so much into our school for years. The school fee, hostel fee, borrowing of money from people to see we are in schooled so that we would be set on the right track of success.
But do we get these expectations actualized? Very far from it..
What we get in return is a bunch of graduated clueless about what next to do in life. Who do not think they have any useful talent it skill. Who also do not know what they studied in school.
Dear parents, isn't this something to worry about? Are you not paying for a good and service that is harming the society?
Shouldn't this issue be worth paid attention to?
I mean you have 4 graduated already at home and they leave you with the burden of seeking jobs fit them.
In case you think it's a normal procedure. It is not and you should sit to think about this everyone.
Lastly, I am just curious to ask another vital question dear society.
Remember I said I am not a sadist and I am glad students graduate. But I feel we would not be doing the right thing asking ourselves this vital question.
Am I celebrating that my son or daughter is leaving school (despite the fact that you don't know how frustrated they were with the years your children spent in school yet do not know a thing) or am I celebrating because (we the parents know that he is a step closer to his goal based on his knowledge so far).
I mean do parents really care if their children are going through depression based on what they're studying in school?
Or they're just happy that just like every other kids on the steering, theirs is also in the University
I mean why rush a 14 year old boy t9 study engineering in the University because he just finished secondary school? Do you care to know what he likes?
Then he studies, out of depression and because he wants to please you endure the years in school. No passion, no experience.
Finally, you come on his graduation date to celebrate what?
I am just asking. Shouldn't this be the normal question on everyone's lips?
Ajayi Joel.