2 min readAug 27, 2018

We're all busy fighting to survive in spite of problems.

We all have either forgotten or we are scared to admit that problems are meant to be solved.

I mean why do we all struggle to survive when we could all contribute to solve the problem and all live well.

I hear statements like Nigeria is hard but let's do our best to survive.

Shouldn't it be that Nigeria is bad, let's all fix it.

Well, one person cannot fix it. Neither can ten that's why we feel it cannot be fixed.

Because everyone is watching while ten people solve the problem of 190 million people. It cannot work.

Life is short. Nobody wants to make any sacrifices for another soul.

Eat and drink while you can. Sorrow may come anytime.

This is the mentality we all have. Then we pass it to our kids and on and on.

And we keep meeting a worse Nigeria with everyone trying to struggle to only survive and care less about fixing it.

A better Nigeria is a product of the contribution of concerned Nigerians not selfish Nigerians.

Are we in anyway selfless?

Did you really study medicine because it would help you cute more sick people or because it would put food on your table alone?

How about the reason you study law.... Well, it's evident that we mostly pick a career only because of the benefits we'd receive and not the impact it would make.

That's not being selfless.

Till the end of the sands of time, we'd keep remaining a broken nation, impossible to fix if all we care about is ourselves and how we can survive in spite of problems.

However, we can also choose to fix the system.


Written by AJAYI JOEL

Content Writer and Content Marketing Strategist

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