Throwing Away The Baby with The Bathwater
"The bath tub is full of dirt and debris, even those creepy stinky maggots and i’ve got my baby inside the bath tub. Obviously he would be as stinky as the water inside the bath tub, let me do away with both the baby and the water in it".
For a second, I know this must have either pissed you off at the foolish judgement the person making a decision is actually doing or perhaps in your mind you must have analyzed how best he could handle the whole matter. Whatever came to your mind, I'm sure it's obviously the right judgement to take.
Throwing the baby away wouldn't be a part of it.
Sad to say, I was referring to myself. I threw away the baby with the bathwater.
Now I know better and I have quickly corrected my mistake.
This post actually isn't about me, neither is it about the baby. It is about you.
This is why it is more about you than about the stinky maggots in the bath tub.
We have all or mostly grown up to hate the institution called school which is obviously justifiable. If Elon Musk, Warren Buffet and the history of other successful business folks in the world hate school, who are we not to hate it.
I mean, who likes school in the first place?
You do right? Well, that's fair enough but a large number of people don't and this is simply because of the failure of the school system. It has been over hyped that it has now lost value on the lips of citizens of this planet.
Aliens may still love school but we on earth don't. We have grown up to see how unpromisingly annoying a degree certificate is contrary to all those fantasies that was sold to us right from childhood.
Hey, I'm not here to begin another series of venting my anger on school as I normally do, I'm just here to reveal how guilty you are as I am.
We both have thrown our babies with the bath water.
You ask how?
See, we have subtly infiltrated our minds with the hatred for learning that anything looking like a pen and a paper of wood looks like it's another failing system being observed.
The purpose of school is to learn. The School has failed to inculcate or encourage but that does not mean learning is the bane of the society. I have ranted so much about my hatred for education and that not everyone should go to school. I went as far as saying that school is meant for geeks or those who love to memorize only what their teachers taught.
I was wrong. That's why I'm screaming, you can still save your baby and not throw it away.
The School system, the curriculum for learning is where the whole issue is but the intention of school still remains which is to pass on learning from generation to generations.
In my next post, I'll address how school is still of great benefit to us all.
For now, figure out a way to throw the bathwater alone.