On education... If we are to really address the issue. Then we need to address the self awareness and self decision of kids and teenagers and not influence their decisions.
I have met with a number of young folks right from secondary school down to freshers in the University who are not aware of what the future holds for what they are studying, who do not have a clue of what the course they want to study or are currently studying entails.
They also do not have access to mentorship even right from secondary school. Guidance and counseling shouldn't be an option, it should be compulsory. Every of those teenagers need to undergo guidance and counseling before joining the senior secondary school and even the University.
The job of the counselor is to make then self aware. To open their eyes to opportunities, to the realities of the real world and the way it works and let them make decisions..
But this cannot work if the counselor is an outdated old lady or man who doesn't even know that software development is a lucrative profession or who doesn't even know the jobs relevant in this century.
These are few out of many other things affecting the educational system. This is one of the reasons a lot of young adults end up going through school and not knowing the decision to make. Most times, it is about the decisions and not just about the availability of jobs.
Well, there's a solution and it would be revealed soon. My startup would be revealing a product very soon that will serve as a window for self awareness and self exposure that would open the eyes of youths to amazing opportunities in the real world and how to go about them.