(if you seek value, you will find value)
Last week, I made a travel to Lagos for a business purpose and the location was at NG-HUB (facebook-hub). Prior to my visit, I had little exposure and I was proud of it.
However, on getting there, I discovered that that hub is filled with so many great and brilliant minds that I was actually wondering if they were from Nigeria.
This is not a hype and I'm so serious when I say those minds are actually brilliant. My eyes was opened to what young folks had in stock for Africa and even the world at large.
Now let me take you back few weeks before I traveled down there, I was always seeking for where I will get more exposure and a circle of people with higher knowledge. I was desperate about it. I was searching instagram so seriously that I added anyone I saw whose page had good skills and intelligent display as friends.
I was deliberate about forming a network of intelligent and bright minds. So when I got the offer to come down to Lagos to discuss business, I jumped on it because I knew that I will be visiting Facebook hub.
I had never been there but since WV it was Facebook hub, I knew there was so much to gain there and I wasn't disappointed.
Now, there's a lesson to learn from this friends. It is a response to the question a female friend of mine asked me when I returned from Lagos.
She said; How do you get to get to know people of great minds who are doing great stuff?
My reply was simple: "If you seek value, you will find it"
It may sound so simple and neutral but it is very powerful. I'll be honest with you, I know so much on marketing, and I do self development but I knew that I knew so much to myself and if I wanted to compete with others, I need to know the "so-much" that others know and try to know more than that.
It's the same thing as saying "If you seek jobs, you'll find jobs". That statement is very true and I just came up with it. The moment you make up your mind to get something, you will find out that you're getting closer to getting it.
Now back to you friends, I'm quite sure that a lot of undergraduates are friends with me here on facebook as well as graduates and the working class. I tell you, there's no way you can actually grow if you do not seek growth.
The problem with you is that you do not start seeking because you're wondering how the seeking will be done. It happens all the time and I tell you, I have been in such shoes.
I mentor some folks on marketing on Whatsapp and on writing as well. Two things I ensure is that they get to seek for more knowledge and also that they act on it.
Sounds simple right? Actually that's just the roadmap to success. If you're actually confused about what you want to do, the problem is that you either don't know what to do or you don't know where to get the kick-start of what you want to do.
I cannot recommend myself to be a mentor, I've got my plates full. I will just say this; be desperate about getting into the circle of people who hold that knowledge. The moment you get to that point, you'd cross the bridge.
Give a man passion and show him the process, he'd figure out the rest. All you need is the right passion and the process. But you may not do so well if you don't seek for the right circle of network that brims with such passion.
If you seek value, you will find value. Go ahead, ask it and stop complaining.