(the hidden truth behind it) part 2
If you are just seeing this, then you need to read the first article I wrote because this is simply a continuation of the first article. Here's the link below. Read through before you proceed.
Just imagine you landed from a space craft from Mars on earth. You are a Martian. One way or the other you understand human languages and you have the appearance of a human but you grew up in Mars.
Well, I believe that will be possible soon. Elon Musk (Space X), Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin), and a host of others are coming up with awesome ideas that will extend our colony to Mars and I believe it will actualize in the future. I believe in Elon Musk and I respect him.
So let's say you are part of those who grew up in Mars but you visit earth and you get a chance to come around to school. Either primary, secondary or university. Then you begin to pay attention to different students, you will discover something.
What you will discover may throw you off balance and you might want to question who designed the school system or you may be tempted to call the school system and joke or a scam.
Here's what I mean and pay attention, I am saying all of these from facts gotten. Before I continue, this is another angle from which people make their conclusions and call school a scam. Before you hurl stones at them and call them shallow people, maybe you should see through their intelligence as well.
In a class of 30, sixteen subjects are taught covering the whole aspect of human life ranging from mathematics to elementary science to fine arts in primary school. So we can say primary school introduced the different field of life to a child.
In fine arts, you would discover that there's one particular young boy who always leads in fine arts every time and he gets the A while others feel like they do not have the talent. Competition sets in.
Now, that same boy has a C in music but there's a particular girl who always comes out as the best in music but she performs poorly in fine arts. So she's given A-grade in music but a D in fine arts.
You will be awestruck when you get to music class and the teacher refers to the boy as a dullard. You will also be so amazed when you get to fine arts class and the teacher constantly calls the young girl less intelligent.
LIsn't that amazing. I mean who on earth designed this system you would begin to imagine. Did morons invent these system? Or who are the morons who are still making the system run? Can't they see that the boy is good in fine arts and he should be left there? Can't they see that the girl is better at music and she should just stay there?"
These questions will pop up in your mind. Remember, I said you are from Mars. It will look strange to you that the same system continues to the secondary school and down to the University. It is not strange to us because we have seen it to be normal.
Maybe not all of us. Perhaps those who call school scam are thinking like the Martian used as an example.
I mean, how is this system supposed to produce the best in you when it is just concerned about how many A's you get instead of what exactly you are good at.
Now, this is another set of people. Mind you, we have not had time to dig deep down to the University system also. I only addressed the primary school system and generalised.
Here's what the grades and test simply mean; we do not know what you are good at, or how good at what you are good at and we do not care if that's the only thing you're good at, we just want you to have A's in all subjects.
Albert Einstein once said "if you tell a fish to climb a tree in a competition with a monkey, the fish will spend the rest of its life believing it is incompetent".
I had to paraphrase that.
So, that's another sect of people who call school scam. Well, at this point, I would love to say it is not.
If you want to know why I don't believe it is, stay tuned to my next post.