"If only companies and the government could give me a platform, I would solve the educational problem"
I said these words more than I breathed early March this year and I echoed it for over two months.
I was working on how we can solve the educational system and I was already having ideas in how we can go about the solution.
I was always ranting on my status. "If only they notice me here, if only they notice me there.
I continued like this for the space of two months and I was still on the same spot. Nobody got to know my ideas.
So I decided to make a move and not until I made it, I was on a spot ranting. People knew me that I wanted a lot.
I took to instagram. I would wake up in the morning, have my bath and go to an hotel nearby. Record a video of myself discussing about the problems of the system.
I would return, wake up at midnight to edit the video then upload the next day. I kept on like this for another few weeks and before I knew it, I was offered an opportunity to work with an organization who needed my idea.
Ever since then, I learnt the trick that opportunity doesn't come around seeking people. People create opportunities.
So how long do you have to wait for opportunities?
Well, maybe forever!
I had been on my toes ever since then and I stopped deluding myself that people would create platforms for me. I worked then out.
I reached out to entrepreneurs around Africa to pitch an idea to them, I reached out to people to organize stuff and all.
This is not a long post, it is actually a simple post to tell you how long more you would have to wait for an opportunity. You may take forever!
I have a friend who discussed with Mr about different businesses to start up very soon and funny enough that friend mentioned about 7 different businesses.
I asked when one would be started and the reply is that "I'm waiting for the right time and right environment".
Fine, that seems a good idea. However, one year nursing seven businesses in the name of the right time doesn't look like a good idea.
This same step is common among youths a lot. They love hoping on the day opportunity would crawl into their homes and sit with them on the bed.
Well, I have waited my grey hairs off and I heard no knock on the door.
So instead of waiting on the government to create an opportunity for me, I sit at the corner of my bed thinking about how to create an opportunity for myself and I'm writing this to you.
I have created a platform tonight and that you're reading it shows that you're on my platform.
Nobody created it. I did. I leveraged on facebook.
So I would ask you, how long have you been waiting for an opportunity?
How long more do you still want to wait?