“Yes, the guy up there with his bulb turned on in his room among the other 56 rooms in the house is an entrepreneur. It’s 3 am and he’s still awake, he must really be a very devoted entrepreneur."
I have grown up to paint this fact with a clear picture in my head that an entrepreneur is a young guy or lady with a stack of books on business in his locker, on his table, bed and even in his toilet. Well, if that may be true then I'm not an entrepreneur and I'm not fit to write this. I have met folks who claim to sleep just 3 hours every day going about with a placard on their tongue "HUSTLE HUSTLE HUSTLE!!!"
This practice is very rampant among new guys who have a new idea coming up and just want to be like Bill Gates in a couple of years. I have also met a handful of them who can precisely tell you what time Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezoz would sleep tonight. For me, I don't know and I don't really think all these are important things you need to go around with as an entrepreneur.
The simple and most important thing an entrepreneur needs to know is "Be Productive". It's the simplest word known among entrepreneurs, however it is not taken to heart by quite a number of them.
I have argued with a lot of folks who are entrepreneurs like me that an entrepreneur is a normal person with a normal daily life who has a dream and has his plans mapped out, his strategies being set line upon line, and focuses on accomplishing them.
"That young lady who uses snapchat every sunny day cannot be an entrepreneur, so also is the guy who goes golfing every Friday and Saturday. How on earth do they have time for mundane things when all they should focus on is executing their ideas", this was exactly what a friend said and I laughed in my mind about it.
" You are simply expecting an alien" I replied.
Entrepreneurs are normal people just like everyone else and I repeat AN ENTREPRENEUR IS JUST AS NORMAL AS EVERYONE ELSE. The only determining factor is how productive has such person being and I will clearly explain what I mean by being productive in my next post.
However, for me and my principles, an entrepreneur is not a guy with a sunken eyes, not-well-combed hairs and rough clothes all because he had been busy sleeping 3 hours daily and never has time to socio-interact or take care of himself or herself.
An entrepreneur is simply someone who stands out among the billions of people on this planet with a dream in his head and a blue print of his business plans in his hands.
Don't get me wrong too, I have not said entrepreneurs don't make sacrifices of sleeping late at nights, burning series of candles. It's expected as some points in times when the workload becomes too much to bear, that is called Sacrifice from my own principle and it has nothing to do with defining an entrepreneur's daily life's routine.
Entrepreneurship is all about being productive and not about how many hours you sleep every night. Don't get carried away in this haze.
Thanks for reading, help me clap so it can reach lots of people.