The thought that would stretch us beyond our comfort zones scares us, the thought that would place us in the midst of the society makes us terrified.
I spent 10 hours trying to write this down so I am not totally excluded from what I'm about to say.
Now, when I mean I spent 10 hours, it wasn't because I was scared of writing, it was because I was scared of managing my words so that it would not be so long.
Everyone celebrates those who cross this border and we all wish to be there.
Now I'm going to get real straight at you. I want you to see why you're so different from Mark Zuckerberg.
You have grown up to believe that failing means you're a loser.
Starting from your primary education, you have been told to do everything possible to avoid failing. Those who failed were tagged as unintelligent. They were called weaklings.
You believed this and all you did was follow instructions, you were careful not to do anything that would make you fail.
Indirectly what you were doing was that you were avoiding big risks that would take you to the next step.
You needed to surmount the obstacle to be like Zuckerberg, you needed to take that risk to be like Michael Jordan.
Unfortunately you feel it's safer to be safe, it's safer not to encounter problems.
You cannot go any further if you remain where you are.
You avoid mistakes and indirectly avoid movement.
If you sit at home because you feel driving is a risk it walking on the road is a risk, you'd only remain at home and not go to attend that job interview.
You have to give yourself room to fail. Failing is a part of success. It means you're trying. It helps you get smarter.
Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and others who achieved greatness failed quite a lot of times.
I've gotten to love failing over the past 7 months of my life.
I know it doesn't mean I'm dumb. It just means I'm trying to figure things out.
I have made big moves that were way bigger than my capacity. I knew failing meant I tried so I tried anyways.
I knew trying could only mean failing or succeeding and since I was already comfortable with failing, nothing held me back
Do not believe what your school always told you. It would limit you.
It's similar to the fear of failing but it's a little bit ahead.
Why haven't you reached out to that celebrity or that friend that would support you and fund your idea?
You are afraid of being REJECTED.
So you sit all day long on your chair hoping he would know somehow.
Why you have not approached that crush of yours is because you are scared of being rejected.
It's okay to fail, it's okay to be rejected.
The brave ones get celebrated.
The brave ones get into the light.
This is why some of you sit down with ideas in your head and call it planning. You keep telling yourself that you're waiting till you become better.
This is just few of what is keeping you from starting.
Silence these voices and go out to win!!!